Thursday, December 30, 2010

The first non-perfect day

As Ryan has mentioned several times today, Sam is having his first less than perfect day. It has been emotionally difficult for us, but at the same time, I'm not sure I would even call this a bad day. It is just hard because it is the first time we have seen him struggle at all. However, this is to be expected of preemies. It's just hard to watch such a small fragile body and hear the frequent alarms as his oxygen levels dip and rise.

They removed the lights since his bilirubins were leveled (aka not jaundiced), so he hasn't been wearing his eye mask. When I changed his diaper this morning, he started squirming and scrunched up his eyes like he was crying. I almost cried with him. It hadn't been an issue before because his eyes had been covered. I understand babies cry, but it was hard for Mommy to see that. :)

On another note, we have been blown away in the past few days by the generosity of so many people. There are so many people who just want to help us in some way. We don't always know what we need, but it truly is the thought that counts in this situation. We feel so blessed to have so much support! Thank you!


Unknown said...

Baby Sam
I am praying for you. I can't wait to meet you!
Mrs. Tara

Sherry Everett said...

Kennon, I hope Sam's day gets better quickly. Please know that I am thinking of you all and will continue to pray for Sam's continued and rapid improvement!