Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Doctor said there'll be days like this, there'll be days like this, Sam's doctor said..."

The roller coaster has left the station and Sam is taking us for a wild ride. We rushed to the hospital first thing this morning, preparing ourselves to lose him. For a few horrible minutes, we just looked at our baby and waited to see what God would do. At that point, the doctors had pretty much done all they could do. I didn't cry or anything then because I was just waiting. I knew there would be plenty of emotion coming, either good or bad, so all I could do was wait.

The respiratory therapist suggested putting Sam on his stomach. That was something they hadn't tried yet, and he quickly started doing better. He has done well all day. We could not believe it when we were able to continually turn down his oxygen percentage because he was doing so much better.

Sam continues to amaze us with his resilience. Today was the first time we had to rush to the hospital, but it probably won't be the last. It is crazy to think that we will have to continue to prepare ourselves to lose our precious son if God wants to take him, while hoping and praying that God's will is for him to grow strong and healthy. I told God that if he takes Sam, I will accept it, but I won't like it. :)

That being said, there is so much joy in the high moments. It is still joyful to have a baby boy who is SO CUTE even if he is in such a fragile state. Even though this road will be long (it already feels long) and difficult, I wouldn't trade it for the world because I love being able to see and be with my boy. And he is really, really cute! I know all new mothers think that about their child, and I am no exception with my blond haired tiny baby.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update..........continuing to pray he will fight. I am praying for both of you as you go through the ups and downs of this journey! Thanks so much for keeping us posted!

Lynda said...

Praise God for this praise report 12 hours after your scare - - and you are right that it will still be a roller coaster for a while but you are in the right place for the ride at TC Thompson. They are God's hands for HIS miracles.

koolaid said...
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Shane and Renee said...

Continuing to pray for you all.

Shane and Renee

Holly said...

Thanks for the update Keenon. I have been praying on and off all day. I praise God for this UP day after a down morning.
Your faith and transparency are such a testimony to so many of us. Keep clinging to Him!
God does not make mistakes so I KNOW that your little blond hair young man is CUTE!

Mindy said...

Im an obsessive compulsive blog checker... he probably just missed his aunt mindy... tell him i'll be there tomorrow to sit and stare at him :)

Ginger Scott said...

I heard about your story through my brother and SIL (McCoy). Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for Sam and you. Check out this blog of some friends of mine. Not the same story but also a slim diagnosis survival rate for their little boy at birth. He is now 2.

Beth said...

I want you to know my husband and I have been in your situation! Let me offer you this encouragement: it is God's will that your son live and prosper. My husband and I realized it was God's will for our son to live when we read, "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I come that you might have life and have it more abundantly!" WOW! A promise in Scripture we could pray...good stuff! We began to speak life over our son. We rejected the bad news and praised God for the plans He had for our son. Plans to prosper and NEVER harm him, to give him a hope and a future!" (Jer. 29:11). I am praising the Lord today for His plans for Sam and the strength he will give you and your family!