Sam Andrew Hulton was born 12/24/2010 at 11:17 PM. He was 4 months premature and weighed 1 pound, 2 ounces at birth. He was with us for nine precious days before he went to be with Jesus in heaven.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Celebration of Life for Sam
Just wanted to remind everybody about tomorrow morning. We are looking forward to seeing everybody! Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
If I am not able to be there tomorrow, I wanted to let you know that Kent & Holly Black are putting a children's book in our church library in honor of Sam. Our staff will be making purchases within the next two weeks. At that point I will notify you of our selection. In Christ, Lynda Harrington FBC Library Director
hello keenon, i'm posting here so that you won't miss it, i hope...
i came across your blog by a weird series of events, and i just absolutely had to comment (and i never comment on blogs!). i have a somewhat similar story; my elizabeth was born at 28 weeks, but she was only 1#5 due to iugr caused by a malfunctioning placenta. she made it for 13 days until her little body gave out.
even more similar, though, are so many of the thoughts you have written down. i, too, felt that people told me way too much how strong i was or how amazing my faith was. i, too, forced myself to look at things realistically while also asking God for a miracle. i remember praying repeatedly for his will to be done, and if that was for my daughter to survive, i would praise him -- and if the miracle ended up being that we lost her but *we* survived, i would praise him. oh, sweet sister, i too hope that the life of my child only points people to God, not draws people away from him because they think he failed her (and us). the healing from the bondage of sin is far greater than any physical healing we could ask for!
i am praising God that you are strong in your faith (as much as i can tell from a blog, of course). please know, though, that a strong faith doesn't preclude you from falling on your knees before God full of anger, confusion, heartbreak... i remember praying over and over after we found out that elizabeth's life was in danger these words: "i don't know what you're doing, but i love you, and i trust you." literally a hundred times a day i prayed these words. heck, i still do. praise God that you belong to him -- i have often felt that if i were not a christian before i lost my child, i would never have become one after the fact. i hope that sam's service was wonderful. our elizabeth's funeral was everything we wanted it to be. it really provided a lot of closure (though again, like you, i didn't necessarily want the closure b/c i feared i would start to forget the 13 beautiful days i had with my girl). i hope that you are surrounded by friends and family who will remember your due date when it comes along, sam's birthday, mother's day, father's day, next christmas.... these will all be hard milestones, and i pray that your friends will show you that they haven't forgotten. i have written a book here, but i desperately wanted to share my heart with you in the wake of your little sam's passing. i would love to "talk" to you via email sometime, but i will not be at all hurt if i don't hear from you. i have also linked to the very brief blog i kept during elizabeth's life. i haven't updated it since her passing, but it gives a few more details about what happened. with love, sara
If I am not able to be there tomorrow, I wanted to let you know that Kent & Holly Black are putting a children's book in our church library in honor of Sam. Our staff will be making purchases within the next two weeks. At that point I will notify you of our selection.
In Christ,
Lynda Harrington
FBC Library Director
hello keenon,
i'm posting here so that you won't miss it, i hope...
i came across your blog by a weird series of events, and i just absolutely had to comment (and i never comment on blogs!). i have a somewhat similar story; my elizabeth was born at 28 weeks, but she was only 1#5 due to iugr caused by a malfunctioning placenta. she made it for 13 days until her little body gave out.
even more similar, though, are so many of the thoughts you have written down. i, too, felt that people told me way too much how strong i was or how amazing my faith was. i, too, forced myself to look at things realistically while also asking God for a miracle. i remember praying repeatedly for his will to be done, and if that was for my daughter to survive, i would praise him -- and if the miracle ended up being that we lost her but *we* survived, i would praise him. oh, sweet sister, i too hope that the life of my child only points people to God, not draws people away from him because they think he failed her (and us). the healing from the bondage of sin is far greater than any physical healing we could ask for!
i am praising God that you are strong in your faith (as much as i can tell from a blog, of course). please know, though, that a strong faith doesn't preclude you from falling on your knees before God full of anger, confusion, heartbreak... i remember praying over and over after we found out that elizabeth's life was in danger these words: "i don't know what you're doing, but i love you, and i trust you." literally a hundred times a day i prayed these words. heck, i still do. praise God that you belong to him -- i have often felt that if i were not a christian before i lost my child, i would never have become one after the fact.
i hope that sam's service was wonderful. our elizabeth's funeral was everything we wanted it to be. it really provided a lot of closure (though again, like you, i didn't necessarily want the closure b/c i feared i would start to forget the 13 beautiful days i had with my girl). i hope that you are surrounded by friends and family who will remember your due date when it comes along, sam's birthday, mother's day, father's day, next christmas.... these will all be hard milestones, and i pray that your friends will show you that they haven't forgotten.
i have written a book here, but i desperately wanted to share my heart with you in the wake of your little sam's passing.
i would love to "talk" to you via email sometime, but i will not be at all hurt if i don't hear from you. i have also linked to the very brief blog i kept during elizabeth's life. i haven't updated it since her passing, but it gives a few more details about what happened.
with love,
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